2015 Health Literacy: Research, Policy and Practice

Conference Venue:

The conference will be held in Áras Moyola, National University of Ireland Galway. Click here for the campus map.

Conference Dates
The conference starts at 9 a.m. on Thursday 18th June, 2015 and closes at 5 p.m.  

The Healthy Ireland Framework identifies Health Literacy as a priority action to empower people and communities for improved health and wellbeing. Health literacy is linked to literacy and is about people’s knowledge and ability to access, understand, assess and apply health information in order to take decisions in everyday life to improve their health (Sorenson et al, 2012).
There is often a mismatch between people’s health literacy skills and abilities and the health literacy demands placed upon them by ever more complex health environments. Health literacy affects health outcomes.  Low health literacy is more prevalent among socially disadvantaged groups and  is recognized as a strong contributor to health inequalities. The promotion of health literacy is critical to active and informed participation in health promotion, disease prevention, and health care. The European Health Literacy survey found that nearly half of all adults across the eight countries surveyed, including Ireland, had inadequate or problematic health literacy skills that adversely affect their health.

The aim of the 2015 Health Promotion Conference 'Health Literacy: Research, Policy and Practice' is to explore the importance of health literacy and how it can be enhanced as a priority area for Health Promotion. The conference will bring together policy, research and practice perspectives on how health literacy can be strengthened, including the implementation of health literacy interventions across sectors that will promote the health of the citizens of Ireland.

Further information:Conference Secretariat:
+353 (0) 91 492722
Email: hprcconference@nuigalway.ie

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